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La Pista Caliente
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Programming Changes on La Fuente Caliente!
Mood:  energetic

Programming Changes on La Fuente Caliente! 

Upcoming, La Fuente Caliente will intensely focus on what we consider to be the Top 10 Hottest Latin tracks in our rotation, regardless of format
(Tropical, Pop, Regional Mexicano).

We hope to deliver compelling content, that’s what radio is all about. We hope to build something postive and make this "THE COUNTDOWN" for Northeastern Ohio and ultimately nationwide — the Top 10 songs of the week and much much more! Large endeavor? We are up for it.

For example, we will be including new features such as "What's in Felipe’s iPod" and a feature where the new school meets old school called – "El Throwback" — featuring some of the older Salsa and Merengue classics from many of the legends of the industry. Also we will blog, blog and blog some more. (English):


We will blog intensely about every/any artist in the Latin industry, especially those we feature on the air.

Also from our web site at you will be able to program our playlist by making suggestions of the artists/groups/songs that you would like to hear on air. We want to spread the word and increase the publics awarness about Latin music in general and YOUR artists specifically. We want to air your artists music and feature your promotional material on our web site blog spot, called "La Pista Caliente" found at

This programming will also feature interviews with and news about many of the industries top artists, plus a sneak brief peak "detras las escenas" — an inside look from Programming Director, Felipe Rizzo who works closely and quietly behind the scenes with many of the industry's top labels.

What we are trying to do here with this TOP 10 COUNTDOWN show will be our effort at growing our listener-base, an effort at expanding our contact with the vast world of Latin music and its listeners and those who love this type of music. This will be our effort at us breaking out of the "same old same old" mold and trying to push the envelope in ways that we haven’t done in the past. Risky? Yes, it is, but all radio is risky, especially nowadays.

One thing I do know is that ... "Ya’ can’t make it to Jalisco unless you start driving south" (from Akron) ...ya’ know what I mean? says, Rizzo.
We are trying ever-so-hard to make something positive happen. If this catches on with the public, if it flies, we’ll expand it. The sky is the limit.

"I've been in this ... (the radio business) for over a decade now working ever-so-hard to maintain advertisers --- nurturing the client relationship, keeping the programming always moving forward in positive directions and always "in the black" on the books among 1,000 other hats that I have had to wear on a daily baisis, from that, I know there's no better way to reach the music listener than through radio," said Felipe Rizzo. "I'm thrilled about this new oppourtunity. I look forward to our coming launch date" We’ve been working very hard towards this end.

Felipe Rizzo was the force behind the launching of La Fuente Caliente — after a brief stint with Las Horas Latinas. He is one of the visionary minds who helped to bring Latin music on a
wide(r) scale to an area where it previously didn’t exist, Akron, Ohio. Before that, he was the catalyst and visionary who — (being ahead of his time) — petitioned Time Warner Cable to bring Hispanic Television Programming to the greater Akron area — now several years later, Channel 61 (Univision WQHS) serves all of Clevleand and Akron, Ohio.

— Carla Reyes reporting

Posted by lfc913 at 4:09 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10:40 AM EDT
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